Selasa, 23 Februari 2010

Unique Butterfly Tattoo Today

Unique Butterfly Tattoo Today
Unique Butterfly Tattoo Today
A lot of people are flocking to the tattoo parlors these days to get inked. Why do people get inked in the first place? Some say it is for recognition, other for attention, & yet some people need to follow the crowd. No matter what your reason is for getting inked, be sure you actually browse through a reputable gallery of designs before you select on what you need. You cannot erase a design you don't like so think carefully. If you need to check out tons of butterfly tattoos,
Humans have had their bodies inked for thousands of years so this is not something new at all. Designs have been used as a way of expressing personal religious belief, signification of a tribe or group, cultural status, punishment, or out of love. There's been mummies found from 5,200 years ago that have tattoos on them.

The earliest known examples that plenty of people site for tattoos were on plenty of female mummies which date back to about 2000 BC. As stated though, there was a recent discovery along the Austrian border which found a mummy that dates back about 5,200 years & this mummy also has patterns designed on it. So these "inks" go way back!

On top of this, in 1948, a 2,400 year elderly body was found in the frozen ice of Siberia. This ancient male was covered in tattoos on his limbs & torso, representing ancient mythical animals & beliefs. So as you see, tattoos, whether they be butterfly tattoos or otherwise, are a sizable role in society - both past & present.

Body adornment was the main form & reason for tattoos in the ancient world. Today, symbols like butterfly tattoos are merely a form of joy or are done because the person wants that look. In ancient times, women used to have a sure arrangement of dots across their stomach, to symbolize some sort of stature in society.

Unique Butterfly Tattoo Today

Unique Butterfly Tattoo Today
Unique Butterfly Tattoo Today
A lot of people are flocking to the tattoo parlors these days to get inked. Why do people get inked in the first place? Some say it is for recognition, other for attention, & yet some people need to follow the crowd. No matter what your reason is for getting inked, be sure you actually browse through a reputable gallery of designs before you select on what you need. You cannot erase a design you don't like so think carefully. If you need to check out tons of butterfly tattoos,
Humans have had their bodies inked for thousands of years so this is not something new at all. Designs have been used as a way of expressing personal religious belief, signification of a tribe or group, cultural status, punishment, or out of love. There's been mummies found from 5,200 years ago that have tattoos on them.

The earliest known examples that plenty of people site for tattoos were on plenty of female mummies which date back to about 2000 BC. As stated though, there was a recent discovery along the Austrian border which found a mummy that dates back about 5,200 years & this mummy also has patterns designed on it. So these "inks" go way back!

On top of this, in 1948, a 2,400 year elderly body was found in the frozen ice of Siberia. This ancient male was covered in tattoos on his limbs & torso, representing ancient mythical animals & beliefs. So as you see, tattoos, whether they be butterfly tattoos or otherwise, are a sizable role in society - both past & present.

Body adornment was the main form & reason for tattoos in the ancient world. Today, symbols like butterfly tattoos are merely a form of joy or are done because the person wants that look. In ancient times, women used to have a sure arrangement of dots across their stomach, to symbolize some sort of stature in society.

Uppoer Back Butterfly Designs

Uppoer Back Butterfly DesignsUppoer Back Butterfly Designs
Uppoer Back Butterfly DesignsLower Back Butterfly Tattoo Gallery

Uppoer Back Butterfly Designs

Uppoer Back Butterfly DesignsUppoer Back Butterfly Designs
Uppoer Back Butterfly DesignsLower Back Butterfly Tattoo Gallery

Bird Tattoos Designs Have Taken Precedence

In the days of old, heroes were always accompanied by birds as they went in pursuit of fiends, ogres, dragons and monsters. In most tales of yore, the birds would fly ahead to spy and return to inform the hero of looming obstacles, thus bringing about the famous phrase, 'a little bird told me'!

Bird tattoos are also very popular due to their connection with religion as well as the mystical. Birds can be found in every era of history; stick figurines of birds have been discovered in the ancient Egyptian tombs in the pyramids, bedecking Arapaho Ghost Dance costumes, at African traditional rituals and weddings across all religions. Christian portrayals of cherubs and angels show them having wings, which are synonymous with birds. In almost all instances, birds are symbols of all the positive things in life, which is why many people tend to go for bird tattoo designs, especially for their first tattoos.

A bird tattoo design will consist of a pair of birds, depicted together. They tend to be opposites in characteristics; fair to dark, black to white, big to small. This merely shows the dual nature of the universe; where sadness exists, so does happiness. Where night exists, so does day. In other cases, good and evil are also portrayed by birds, for example, when we have a bird tattoo design of a bird fighting a serpent.

Decidedly, there are some implications to birds that are not completely normal. In China, the bird is called the niao, which also means penis, thereby bringing in sexual overtones into bird tattoos. Also, the double meaning of a cock as either a rooster or a penis dates back to eras past in the Rome of old. Some portrayals of birds are quite negative in impact. In Germany, to be insane can be put politely as to 'have a bird'! 'Bird-brain' is also one of the most famous insults in the Western World, although most people do not associate these negative impressions with bird tattoos designs.

You can get plenty of bird tattoo designs on the internet. In the animal kingdom, bird tattoo designs are only a small part of the entire spectrum. To see other types of animal tattoos, do visit our pages on animal tattoos, insect and reptile tattoos, and sea world tattoos!

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Senin, 22 Februari 2010

Erotic Tattoos For Girls

japanese tattoos | unique tattoos | Tribal Tattoo | Tattoos Zone
Erotic Tattoos For Girls
What is it that makes tattoos, particularly erotic tattoos, so intriguing to some people, and so off-putting to others? There are lots of associations and meanings assigned to them and those who have them, of course, with generally disreputable origins ranging from drunken sailors to biker gangs and prostitutes.

japanese tattoos | unique tattoos | Tribal Tattoo | Tattoos ZoneErotic Tattoos For Girls
Then there is the closet tattoo enthusiast such as businessmen or lawyers who gets erotic tattoos on more hidden skin as a way of 'going against the grain' or expressing a hidden side without risking their professional respectability.

Erotic tattoos once had a respected place within many indigenous cultures, according to the authors of Art, Sex and Symbol. Tattoos ceremonies were rites of passage, replacing the more painful practices of circumcision and labia mutilation. Usually performed at the onset of puberty when sexual feelings are on the rise, the tattoo proved one's contempt of pain, which made him attractive to the opposite sex. If a Samoan girl required tattoos to be considered nubile (marriageable), then the tattoo was definitely a sexual lure. For Burmese boys, a leg tattoo might have been critical to attracting females. And Dyak women in Borneo are said to have taken tattoos for the singular purpose of turning on their lovers. The tribe might well have depended on it.

japanese tattoos | unique tattoos | Tribal Tattoo | Tattoos Zone
Erotic Tattoos For Girls